Wiedey Family Ensemble Scholarship | |
Registration has closed for the final Class of 2028 Music Auditions on Saturday, February 3, 2024. | |
Students with ability in the area of music will be invited to audition with faculty for these scholarships. The student must have a demonstrated commitment to pursuing music at Ripon College though a major in music is not required. Renewal is contingent on the following criteria: enroll in at least one Music Department ensemble each semester, maintain enrollment as a full-time student and maintain satisfactory progress toward a four-year degree as published in the Ripon College Catalog. |
+ Available Music Scholarship Auditions |
📅 Select an available session below to register: |
+ Music Scholarship Audition Requirements |
There are a variety of audition options for students, please find your selected audition type and review your requirements before arriving to campus. |
Voice Students will sing an audition consisting of the following: - One piece of prepared music - Vocalizing for range and some sight-singing |
Winds or Brass Students will play an audition consisting of the following: - Sections of two contrasting pieces of prepared music (approx. 2-4 minutes total) - Any major or minor scale (range appropriate for instrument) |
Percussion Students will play an audition consisting of the following: - Sections of pieces for two contrasting percussion instruments - Examples: mallet keyboards, snare drum, timpani, multi-percussion, drum set - NOT two similar instruments (e.g., xylophone + vibraphone, or multi-percussion + drum set) |
Piano or Organ Students will play an audition consisting of the following: - Two contrasting pieces or sections of pieces of music (approx. 2-4 minutes) - 2 octaves of any major or minor scale; can be played with both hands in unison or separate |
Strings (violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar) Students will play an audition consisting of the following: - Two contrasting pieces or sections of pieces of music (approx. 2-4 minutes) - 2 octaves of any major or minor scale (guitar: can substitute chord progression of I-IV-V-I in two keys - major or minor) |
+ Frequently asked questions |
Are these auditions in person or virtual? We are offering in-person opportunities. Auditions will occur between select hours in 20-minute audition time slots. |
Do I have to prepare a piece of music in advance? Yes, students must prepare a piece of their choosing in advance. On the registration form, you will be asked to select an instrumental or vocal audition option. |
If I am performing a vocal audition, do I have to provide my own music? Professor Deb MacKenzie will play for voice auditions. Please provide your repertoire information on the registration form and bring a score to your audition. Email mackenzied@ripon.edu with questions or updates, should your repertoire selection change after submitting your audition registration. |
Can I bring guests to my audition? Guests of auditioning students will be asked to wait in the Demmer Recital Hall sitting area. We want to provide all students an equal opportunity to present without external factors. This also will help with our evaluation process by having fair standards across all auditions. |
If I receive a scholarship, how and when will I receive it? If you are awarded a scholarship, you must be accepted to Ripon College and enroll in our incoming Class of 2028 to receive your scholarship as part of your Ripon College financial aid offer. If you are not accepted to Ripon College by March 1, 2024, your scholarship may be awarded to other eligible students. |
How long am I eligible to receive my scholarship? Scholarships are renewable for four years as long as the recipient meets the qualifying requirements. |
If I transfer to another college for any reason, can I take my scholarship with me? This scholarship is available only for students enrolled at Ripon College and cannot be used at other institutions. |
+ Contact |
If you have any questions about your audition, contact Professor Shucha at shuchat@ripon.edu or 920-748-8786. |